SBM 2023
23-25 Mar 2023 Roorkee (India)

About SBM 2023

The Sustainable Business Management conference will showcase solidarity with 192 countries who are marching ahead to support people and the planet. In this light, there would be a plantation drive for a cleaner and green planet followed by the inauguration of this Two-Day Conference to deliberate on the fight against climate change, management perspectives, commitments, and business models for a better planet. This event will encourage Individuals, Communities, Corporates, and households to increase awareness for a sustainable planet to shape a better future.

We are consuming more than the planner can produce. The predicament that we are in demands thought be given to the ways we behave, how we produce and consume, and how we can recycle things and avoid waste. We need to find solutions to the challenges in the spheres of sensitivity to the environment and sustainable development.

The ensuing and ongoing changes and the resulting disruptions are unsettling businesses, simultaneously creating opportunities. How best to navigate these changes and create long-term value? The answers require radical ideas and leadership. Learning from such practices and experiments should be discussed and widely shared.

Major initiatives are underway to develop an understanding of the roles we should assume as individuals as well as our respective professional domains to contribute positively to sustainability. Within this overarching context, this conference SBM 2023, organized by the Department of Management Studies, IITR is a platform for thought leaders, business practitioners, and researchers to gather, share ideas, present evidence, and shape up the agenda of research and business practices to take firm steps in the direction of sustainability.

The focus of the conference is in linking the various stakeholders and levels of analysis. Although an academic conference, we aim to develop fruitful interactions with practitioners and to connect to developments such as the UN Climate Change Conference of Parties and the upcoming G20 meeting hosted by India.
Please check the conference brochure for more details.

Welcome to IIT Roorkee



The Roorkee College, which is now celebrated as one of the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, was established in 1847 as the First Engineering College in the British Empire. The College was renamed as the Thomason College of Civil Engineering in 1854. It was given the status of University by Act No. IX of 1948 of the United Province (Uttar Pradesh) in recognition of its performance and its potential and keeping in view the needs of post-independent India. Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, presented the Charter in November 1949 elevating the erstwhile college to the First Engineering University of Independent India. Since its establishment, this internationally commemorated institute continues to play a vital role in providing technical manpower and expertise to the country and the world.

Carrying, this legacy forward, the Department of Management Studies, an integral part of the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, has been constantly ranked among the top business schools in the country (NIRF Ranking: Amongst Top 20 in Management Education). Significant growth and increasing recognition by the industry bear testimony to the fact that the Department has been successful in achieving one of the top positions among the premier B-Schools. The Department stands credited for not only nurturing and producing high-class managers but also faculties via its PhD program who are now contributing to management education by occupying places at reputed institutes including IITs and IIMs.





Conference Program is now available.
Mar 17th, 2023 
Please refer the Conference related FAQs at this link

SBM2023 abstract decision has been notified.
Feb 10th, 2023.
Abstract submission deadline is extended to 5 Feb.
January 29th, 2023
Possibility of Online Presentations.
January 8th, 2023
Conference brochure is available.
December 14th, 2022
Abstract submissions are open.
December 13th, 2022
Website is up!
December 12th, 2022

Important dates

Abstract Submission Deadline:
Feb 5th, 2023
Acceptance Notification:
Feb 10th, 2023
Registration Deadline:
Feb 24th, 2023
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