SBM 2023
23-25 Mar 2023 Roorkee (India)

Eminent Speakers > Online Speakers


Prof. Paresha Sinha


Associate Professor
School of Management and Marketing
Waikato Management School
Hamilton, New Zealand
Associate Professor  Paresha Sinha researches at the intersection of international business, strategy, and entrepreneurship domains. Her research interests build on institutional, stakeholder, and imprinting theories and she is interested in investigating the micro-foundations of strategic decision-making and legitimacy building in the cross-border context. She teaches International Management and Innovation and Value creation, as well as supervises a number of doctoral students who are researching these issues in emerging markets.


Prof. Raghu Santanam

Professor & McCord Chair of Business
W P Carey School of Business
Arizona State University, USA

Prof Raghu Santanam is Professor and McCord Chair of Business in the Information Systems Department at the W. P. Carey School of Business.Professor Santanam’s research has focused on the impacts of technology and technology strategies on businesses, society, and consumers. His research areas of interest include, health information technology, digital platforms and the impacts of augmented intelligence on the workforce and future of work. His research on digital platforms has explored emerging business strategies, consumer preferences, and trends in software markets and platforms. Santanam is an active researcher in the health information technology area and has published scholarly articles on electronic medical records impacts on hospitals, personal health records adoption by consumers, and technology-based decision support for public health. His work has been published in leading peer-reviewed journals, including Management Science, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and Decision Support Systems.


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