SBM 2023
23-25 Mar 2023 Roorkee (India)

Eminent Speakers > Offline Speakers



Prof. P. Balachandra


Chief Research Scientist

Department of Management Studies
Associate Faculty at Centre for Sustainable Technologies
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

Bio:  Dr. Balachandra Patil is from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India. He is an energy, environment, and sustainability expert, and ranked among top 10 management researchers in India. He is also ranked among top 2% of the Energy Scientists in the World. He served as a visiting expert at Harvard University-USA, UNDP-Bangkok, AIT-Bangkok. and IGIDR-Mumbai. He has investigated about 48 research & consultancy assignments for both international and national organisations. Has co-authored six books and published about 150 papers in international and national journals, conferences, and edited books with an H-Index of 28. He has supervised/mentored 38 PhD scholars (23 awarded and 15 ongoing). He has been conferred with the distinguished alumni award of Manipal University in 2011.

Title of the keynote: Consumption, Conservation, Climate Change and Sustainable Lifestyles


 J Venkat

Prof. J Venkateswaran


Institute Chair Professor

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai,
Mumbai 400076, INDIA

Bio:  Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran (JV) is an Institute Chair Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at IIT Bombay, where he has been a faculty since 2005.   His current research and teaching interests are in systems thinking, system dynamics, agent-based modeling & simulation, discrete-event simulation, supply chain & sustainability, and OR for development. He co-led the Solar Urja through Localisation for Sustainability (SoULS) initiative at IIT Bombay ( which involves a range of activities towards decentralized renewable (solar) energy access, including skilling, technology development, technology diffusion, adoption & sustainability, rural entrepreneurship & small industries development, etc. He has guided 9 doctoral students and 40+ graduate (Master’) students. He is also currently the Head of the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research department at IIT Bombay.


Dr. Vranda Jain

Dr. Vranda Jain

Deputy Director 

Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR), New Delhi


Nikhil Barishkar

Nikhil Barshikar

Founder & CEO

Imarticus Learning, Mumbai


 Praveen Kumar

Praveen Kumar

Director General & CEO

Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Gurugram

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